USA Master Class Tour 2022

USA Master Class Tour 2022 •

Overhead Lines Wildfire Prevention Showcase

Covered Conductor Solutions, supported by Amokabel and Ensto are pleased to announce the USA Master Class Tour 2022 with the first exhibition dates being in California this September.

The four-state tour brings an opportunity for lines companies and energy networks over two days to be trained and fully experience the many advantages of bare wire replacement with this specially designed and proven wildfire prevention product.

The product offers 99.8% protection and is functionally comparable to undergrounding of lines at a fraction of the cost. For any network considering how best to quickly and economically make safe high-risk parts of their network, the USA master class tour 2022 offers the perfect engineering introduction and up-skilling opportunity.

  • In just 2-days each master class is designed to give your lines teams the knowledge and hands-on experience to test and tackle wildfire prevention through the installation of Covered Conductor.

    The properties and advantages of Covered Conductor are often not well understood, and the methods used for safe and quick installation of lines differs from that of bare wire.

    Armed with these skills and experience, your network will quickly acquire the capability and confidence moving forward to qualify and consider this type of installation for specific applications, high risk areas or in difficult terrain.

  • Register your interest in Covered Conductor Solutions coming to your pole facility or decommissioned network area.

    Covered Conductor Solutions will provide a choice or tour dates.

    Each master class is hosted by our team of international trainers, who will supply 1.25 miles of cable and all fixings required by your team to learn hands on.

    Remember - there are no costs associated with a master class, other than the cost of your lines team’s time (2 days) and for making available the hoists, buckets and other standard installation equipment your lines team would ordinarily us to install overhead line.